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Minecraft Server icon for EcoCityCraft #1 Minecraft Economy ServerEcoCityCraft #1 Minecraft Economy

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EcoCityCraft - #1 Top Minecraft Economy Server *Connect to IP:* Use /wild land and /kit starter - Good Luck!

EcoCityCraft - #1 Minecraft Economy Server Multiplayer
★ Ip:★ Teamspeak IP:

Looking for a true hardcore economy server like none other

A server that has mastered economic inflation and has taken its economy extremely seriously ensuring it stays as stable as possible. One where no user, no matter the rank, has the ability to spawn items and affect the economy drastically; not even the highest level supporters and staff members. A server where literally every single block, building, creation is either mined and adventured for, or earned with our in game economy through our in-game stores. A place where the only “item-spawned” buildings are in its spawn, and absolutely nowhere else. A server created by the community for the community! Look no further! EcoCityCraft is as real and 100% economy based as you can possibly find. Sure there are other servers with an in-game economy, but they are not near as perfected, balanced, and serious about stability of the markets and money as ours! We can definitely say that we have mastered economic stability, and keep an incredibly steady amount of currency in game at all times - this came with over 2.5 years of mastering and tuning. With tons of purchases available such as towns, nations, ranks, multi-world travel access, and more! Join us now and experience what a true economy server is really like! Over 18,000 members and growing!

WARNING! This server is not for the easy come and go gamers looking to earn everything within hours. To be truly successful in our intense economy, you must work hard, interact with our wonderful community and participate in tradesjobs as well as dedicate yourself to be the best! Good luck! We hope to see you at the very top one day; spend your EcoDollars wisely!

High Performance DDoS protected secure MC server hosting at Staminus! Contact andrewkm for awesome deals over esper IRC.
Plugins installed on server: HardEconomy, Mcmmo, HungerGames, Much more! Great custom economy experience!


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