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Minecraft Java Edition will require Microsoft accounts

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Minecraft Java Edition will require Microsoft accounts
« on: December 06, 2020, 10:48:22 AM »
Minecraft Java Edition will require Microsoft accounts

INFO: Java Edition is moving house | Minecraft

After you’ve moved, everything you love about Java will still be there. You’ll still be able to create and use mods and skins (while keeping your existing ones, of course), as well as play with friends on Java servers (regardless of version). You’ll also keep your Minecraft Java username, and new players will still get to choose their Minecraft username. The only difference? You’ll receive a cool reward once you’ve logged in with your Microsoft account: a special cape! This way, everyone will know that you were there for the big move and that you have an impeccable sense of fashion. And who knows? You might even have more than one outfit to show off – but we’ll tell you more about that later down the road.

When purchasing Minecraft: Java Edition you will now be prompted to sign up with a Microsoft Secured Account (MSA). 


« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 10:09:33 PM by hubsinfo »

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