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MK Mobile Klassic Reptile Unlock Event

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MK Mobile Klassic Reptile Unlock Event
« on: April 09, 2024, 05:54:06 PM »
MK Mobile Klassic Reptile Event

Table of Kontents
Find Klassic Reptile on Map
Collect Reptile Eyes
Unlocking and fusing Klassic Reptile
Choose Your Fighters to fight Klassic Reptile

Find Klassic Reptile on Map

Collect Reptile Eyes
To add Klassic Reptile to your Kollection, another Diamond Kard, you will need to collect his eyes in Quest Mode. 
The best way to collect Reptile Eyes is by doing 8 hrs or 12 hrs Quest. You can only get the Reptile Eyes only from the Outworld Map.

You can only collect Reptile eyes from Quest Mode during certain times- look for the moon in the upper right of your map! 
Once you’ve collected enough eyes a secret tower will appear and you can challenge Reptile to a fight in the Pit. 
After you’ve defeated Reptile, you can challenge him again to obtain more copies of his Kard, but you will need to collect increasing amounts of eyes each time.
Even when you are not collecting Reptile’s eyes, it’s a good idea to make sure you have as many quests active as possible as they’re a great source of Souls and other rewards.  A quest’s duration can be as short as an hour and as long as a day, so plan your teams accordingly.  Remember: you can still use characters who are on quests in Faction Wars!

Unlocking and fusing Klassic Reptile

The number of eyes required to summon Reptile is incremented each time he is being fused; one can see the progress at the upper-left corner of the map.

The number of eyes required to unlock his fusions are the following:
0 100 / 1 125 / 2 150 / 3 175 / 4 200 / 5 250 / 6 300 / 7 350 / 8 400 / 9 500 / X 600

Choose Your Fighters to fight Klassic Reptile

Raiden/Dark, Jade/MK11, D'Vorah/Prime, D'Vorah/Swarm Queen, Reptile/Klassic, Liu Kang/Klassic, MK11/Scorpion, SF/Scorpion, Tremor, Ermac, Ravenous Mileena, Kitana are good against Klassic Reptile.



« Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 06:01:58 PM by Remix »

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